Albert Culmer

Retired painting contractor
Jacksonville, FL, USA


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  • "Thanks Bruce for checking my product out, and for your honest opinion. A couple of years ago I had done another survey on another product I invented. I got over 124 people to give me a rating from 1 to 10 and most all of my ratings I got all nines and tens. After I did the survey I decided to market it myself so I took it to Walmart.  They wanted me to demonstrate my product to them. After I demonstrated my product the manager told me that he loved my idea. And he told one of the other managers that were in the room with us to take me where the beach equipment was. He showed me that he had a place on the shelf where they would display my product. I was surprised that Walmart was ready to do business with me. They were ready for me to start manufacturing my product by the thousands. But I had to tell them that I will have to get back with them, because I didn't have any experience in marketing. that's why I am trying to put my products into a manufacturer's hands, like Stephen Key says we should do and let the manufacturing company handle everything for me. I have many great ideas but I don't know how to read or write because I had dyslexia and I also got lead poisoning when I was a kid in the Bahamas, so it makes it very hard for me to do what I am trying to do but I know one day I will be able to get my products into a manufacturer company hands. 2"
    on: Product Licensing 101: So Let's Talk Money
  • "Hi Bruce, I would like to have your honest opinion on what you think about my emergency air supply line. This is my new invention that is patent pending.  I am doing a survey so when I get in touch with a manufacturing company they can see that people liked my new idea. Could you tell me if it makes it easier for a manufacturing company to accept and license my product since I am doing a survey, Thanks so much you can go here to see my new product  "
    on: Product Licensing 101: So Let's Talk Money
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